Create an Epsilon Account
> How to create an account on the Epsilon Platform:
- On our website, click on 'Register' (uper right of the screen)
- Use your professional email: if your company already has an account on Epsilon, you will be able to join this account (based on the email structure)
- You create your own password, which is then encrypted (we have no access)
- Epsilon Accounts are free and confidential. No information will be communicated to anybody outside Epsilon.
NB: each user has to create his own Epsilon account (with specific login & password); it cannot be done by Epsilon.
> Within a company / team, we encourage each user to create his/her own acount, rather than having one account for the whole team:
- For each user to keep his/her own password (and avoid oustide access from people leaving the team).
- So each user can manage his/her own email alert or Valuation Project