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Transaction Multiples for the Valuation of Private Companies

QBuild / Stiel Groep

No EMAT : 109501
Announced Date : 11/07/2019
Type : Acquisition of Majority Stake
Deal Value : Yes
Acquirer : QBuild

Target : Stiel Groep
Country : Netherlands
Sector of activity :
  • Construction & Building Materials > Construction Finishings
Business Description :
Stiel Groep is a construction company active in the field of property maintenance and renovation. > Expertise covers the complete spectrum of facade, roof, installation and interior. > Knowledge and...

Transaction multiples available
Gross Profit
P/E Price
to Book
Historic ns
Rating : *
Multiple available
n.s.   Multiple calculated, but not significant

Source: Epsilon Research / EMAT

Comparable Transactions

  • Number of EMAT Reports / sub-sector « Construction Finishings » = 173
Example of comparable transactions on EMAT (same sub-sector):
Date Acquirer Target Country Multiples See details
06/09/2021 Elk Bedrijven VIOS Bouwgroep Netherlands * 109496
08/09/2021 Constructif Krämer Groep (Kraemer) Netherlands * 109488

Source: Epsilon Research / EMAT

About Epsilon Research

Epsilon Research is an independent research and financial analysis bureau, and the reference source of transaction multiples for the valuation of private companies through its EMAT database.

EMAT Report

► Each EMAT Report includes the detailed analysis of the transaction: deal rationale and structure, target business lines and financials (restated), valuation multiples (calculation and analysis).


► Example of EMAT Report